Antenae #04 Sixte Kakinda
“Katasumbika” ,which means “that which cannot be lifted” in Kinande, language of the Banande 1 is a project I led during my recent research and creation residency in Kampala. It refers to any object or body that is not supposed to be moved from the place where it is, from…
Antenae #03 Nicole Lenzi
Walking Drawings In April Nature Walk, I engage in a responsive mark making process to record my surroundings while in flux. This activity encourages being fully present to the local environment as one passes through it. Marks are made on paper as the body bobs up and down to…
Antennae #02 Kazuki Nakahara
I walked deeper into the forest, following colorful birds and cool insects. I ventured down an unmarked trail, weaving through the grass and branches that clung to me. Suddenly, I became so focused on the ‘gesture’ of my body—which seemed to be stitching the grass in front of me—that…